Wednesday, November 11, 2009

2009 Race Season

Jim again. I got numerous e-mails from people bitching about the slowness of my blogging. Let me answer all of them right now. Fuck off! I'll finish them when I finish them and I've only been doing this for a couple days.

Do you think it's easy to string together insults and curse words while maintaining an effective narrative? Then write your own god damned blog. I have to write them in between my drinking, training, and law school bullshit. So be patient, and I promise the future entries will be worth the wait.

Anyway someone asked that I post what our 2009 event schedule looked like and how the 2010 schedule is shaping up. I think I can handle that.

2009 Team Bad Ass Events
Millennium Triathlon – Cancelled
Mitchell Run thru Rockford 5K, August 15th
Barefoot Triathlon in Traverse City, September 9th
Apple Cider Century in Three Oaks, September 27th
Run Thru the Rapids 10K, October 10th
Grand Rapids Half Marathon, October 18th
Nike Human Race 5K and 10K, October 24th

The 2010 schedule is still a work in progress. There will for sure be a couple marathons and a Half Ironman. The precise details are still up in the air.

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