Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Barefoot Triathlon, Epilogue

This race was fantastic. We ran it hard and both of us exceeded even our wildest expectations for how it would turn out. However – hindsight being 20/20 – there were definitely mistakes made that affected performance.

My decision to hold back on the bike was one such mistake. Even though it allowed me to best my stand-alone 5K time (decent considering it came at the end of the tri). I think I could have shaved more time by hammering on the bike than I did by saving energy for the run. It was clearly a tactical error but perhaps also a lesson about changing strategy on the fly.

My transitions also need work. People who competed in wetsuits had superior T1 times even though they have to go through the additional step of taking off a soaked wetsuit. As for my T2 time, I think that by switching from clipless pedals and bike shoes to toe-clips and straps, I can shave about a minute off of my time by not having to change shoes. The shoes/clipless pedals might provide an advantage in longer races, but I think the transition time benefit in sprint distance races is more substantial.

Team Bad Ass will run this race again. This time with the goal of beating 1:30:00 and winning our age group.


  1. jimm..have you contimplated hollowing out the nibbs of your shoelaces to lighten yourstride? ....also,wearing loafers would cut minutes from your transition (it would also halt the burden of waiting for matt to tie you shoes.

  2. UP until the mid 19th century, Greek and Agean olympians would amass a ointment of equal parts of Goosegrease,Bearfat,and Lardo. This mix was commonly refered to as trisoruba (GESHPITTA in Greek ).This rub could easily replace the need for wetsuits,and deodorant, lowering your transition even more. Plus you get to KILL a goose,bear,and fatass!!!
