Friday, November 27, 2009


Sorry to break up the timeline, but I intended this blog to be more than just a recap of our races, I wanted to document the process of getting into Ironman shape. And the event write-ups (while a major part of this thing) are not all there is to it. So in addition to the race reports, I will interject training updates along with my own hastily-crafted, disjointed, and often vulgar commentary.

So anyway, lately Matt and I have been hitting the gym harder than a whore caught stealing from her pimp. In months past, our general gym program was to show up, run a few laps, and then do a few sets of legs, chest, or arms. Occasionally we'd hit the pool. The plan was decent, I suppose, and I am probably in better shape now than I ever have been. But our current system was not going to get us where we needed to go.

Our new plan is to switch between strength and cardio days, not to say that we won't have hybrid days, but only one will be the focus. We also have to get in the pool more often, even though I hate it more than I hate Michael Moore. Fuck that fat, self-righteous prick-bastard.

We finally got the heart-rate monitors working this week. Until now, we were working solely on distance, now we run by time and heart rate. Plus we get to use cool gadgets. Let's face it; we're both really just twelve year olds with cooler toys.

We also started a supplement regimen to make sure that we're getting the most out of our workouts. Maybe next year we'll start taking roids.

All that remains now is for us to figure out how to work spin classes and some other programs into our routine. With any hope, we'll emerge in the spring with me being able to swim and Matt being able to ride a bike. But then I remember the expression "Hope in one hand and shit it the other...See which one fills up faster."

Maybe I can even take the training wheels off of Matt's bike. Who knows?

Baby steps.

1 comment:

  1. "ROIDS"????? how terrible. These sporting events are not for money, why the urgency to 'perform' ahead of all contestants? What about 'personal' best? These events should be for YOU, not others. Don't take the chance of harming your bodies for life. Too many sad stories out there. Use your 'own' will power to accomplish said goals.
